

15th Tatto expo Slovenia – Tattoo contest 2025

Sobota / Saturday:

1. Realistic / color

2. Realistic / black and grey

3. Avantgarde

4. Traditional (old school, neotraditional,ornamental)

5. Small tattoo 5x5mm

6. Best healed tattoo

7. Best of Saturday

Nedelja / Sunday:

1. Color / anything-free choice

2. Black and grey / anything-free choice

3. Best of Collaboration

4. Best of Sunday

5. Best of show


Pravila / Rules:

Vsi tattoo -ji (razen kategorija healed tattoo) morajo biti začeti in končani na Tattoo expo Ljubljana.

Vsi zmagovalni tattoo-ji v kategoriji gredo avtomatično v Best of day.

Vsi zmagovalni tattoo-ji v Best of day (sobota in nedelja) gredo avtomatično v Best of show.

Tattoo artist se lahko z istim tattoo-jem prijavi v 1 (eno) kategorijo (v katero tattoo spada) ali direktno v Best of day ali  v Best of show.

V Best healed tattoo se lahko tattoo artist prijavi s tattoo-jem, ki ni bil narejen na Slovenia Tattoo expo. Zmagovalec ne gre v Best of day in Best of show.


All tattoos (except the healed tattoo category) must be started and finished at Tattoo Expo Ljubljana.

All winning tattoos in the category automatically go to Best of day.

All winning tattoos in Best of day (Saturday and Sunday) automatically go to Best of show.

A tattoo artist can apply with the same tattoo in 1 (one) category (to which the tattoo belongs) or directly in Best of day or Best of show.

A tattoo artist can enter Best healed tattoo with a tattoo that was not done at the Slovenia Tattoo expo. The winner does not go to Best of day and Best of show.


Opis tattoo stilov:

-Color realism is a type of fine art that uses color to create a realistic and full image of an object or person.

-Black and grey realism is a type of fine art that uses only black and grey to create a realistic and full image of an object or person.

-Avant Garde is an expressive and unusual, modern style of tattooing. In the absence of strict rules and exacting formulas, Avant Garde tattoo artists are free to experiment with varying classical and modern techniques, resulting in truly unique and unconventional tattoo designs.

-Traditional tattoos are characterised by the lack of shading and presence of bold, gaudy colours.Traditional tattoos are renowned for their bold, flat colors. Predominantly, the palette includes primary colors, with a lot of reds, yellows, and blues. While black, of course, plays a significant role, greens and browns are also used. Iconic Imagery: This style is known for its iconic motifs.

-Collaboration: When we have done a collaboration tattoo, then each team member puts together a separate design. Then we come together, discuss each design, see what we like, and combine it to a big piece.